Hackers, spies and companies share a great interest in your privacy, and some have found ways to turn on your camera without you knowing it by using malware, viruses, camfecting and click-jacking.

Here are some things you can do to avoid becoming a victim:

Online accounts:
• Use long and strong passwords
• Use different passwords for each account
• Turn on two-factor authentication on your important accounts

• Avoid questionable websites
• Minimize your risk when working in public Wi-Fi spots by connecting to secure networks you trust
• When on the go, turn off your wireless network when you don’t need it

• Do not open attachments from people you do not know

Apps & Software:
• Only download software from trusted platforms and companies (e.g. Apple App Store)
• Keep your security software updated
• Some free apps and software ask your permission to access your camera while this is not related to the intended use of the app. Deny permission and delete the app

• Do not use security camera’s default password
• The FBI recommends you to turn off your camera or cover any webcam when you are not using them to prevent sex-based extortion schemes. Tool to detect intruders and lock your camera: Camera Lock